A couple years ago David and his brother Gary were walking home ,dribbling the basketball up and down the street, lined by trash and the people who lived in tents, until they saw that their house was in shambles and had been robbed. David and Gary didn’t really understand what happened until later on. David and Gary both never understood the point of robbing houses or banks or anything. They were always good kids, did really well in school, and were both top in the state of New York for basketball. They were always playing basketball nonstop, they wanted their dreams of going to the NBA to become a reality. What was slowing them down was the home environment they had, gunshots every night and murders every week. They had no father figure in their life and never really talked to their father. Their mom was barely paying rent and keeping food on the table.

Even though this is happening to them they are still really grateful. David and Gary shared a room and they didn’t have a problem with it until they started “messing” with each other when they were sleeping. David says that Gary is always messing around and moves his shoes and clothes to freak David out. Gary swears he never moves things and sleeps through the night. David never believes him and thinks he’s always lying. It never really concerned either one of them and they never thought anything of it. Until they really thought about it because as they got older they never lied to each other. And this led to suspicion. David and Gary told their mom and she couldn’t believe it. She had a worried face and didn’t know what to say. She didn’t know what was going on and was shocked.

David and Gary were both scared to sleep in the room tonight so they slept in the living room together. They had a good sleep until they woke up, they saw that the living room was a mess and somebody had been in there. They ran to their mom’s room and asked if she was in the living room last night while they were sleeping. She said she wasn’t and went out to the living room to check what happened while they were sleeping. They all knew something was wrong but didn’t know what to do about it.. So they had to figure out what was happening by themselves. David and Gary thought of an idea–get a camera.

They fell asleep and the next morning as soon as they woke up they wanted to check the camera. They ran into their mom’s room and checked the camera footage. They saw that the camera was unplugged in the middle of the night. They didn’t really think much of it and plugged it back in. They went on with their usual day and decided to try and solve this problem. David and Gary didn’t really know where to start to try and figure this out. David later that night was asking his mom questions about who knows where we live and why somebody would do this. Their mom told them all the people that knew where they lived. One of the people was their dad which they haven’t seen since they were little. He knew where they lived because he still needed to pay child support. David and Gary were a little confused because they didn’t know much about their dad or what he looked like. All of them decided to go to his house and talk to him. They arrived at their dad’s house and talked to him, he said that he had no idea what was going on and had nothing to do with it. Then they left his house and decided to go home and go to sleep with the camera on again. When they woke up they ran to the camera footage and saw something their eyes couldn’t believe.

David said to Gary “No way!”
Gary replied “This is crazy.”

It was their dad, somebody they rarely see, stealing and moving things in their house every night. They decided that they were going to confront him after school with the camera footage. They haven’t told their mom what happened on the camera yet. When they got home from school they rushed to their mom’s room and told her what happened. David and Gary showed her the camera footage of their father stealing and vandalizing their house.

Their mother said “We shouldnt confront him, we should trap him.”

David and Gary both said “That’s a great idea.”

They decided to start planning to trap their dad when he came into the house tonight. They needed to run to the store to get supplies. Then they put the camera at the front door.

David sighs, “We should get ready to call the police also.”

The night went on and they were patiently waiting and couldn’t sleep. They finally heard the door creak open at around 3 am. None of them were asleep and all heard him come in. They weren’t scared and called the police.

They all popped out and said “Got you now Dad!”

But nobody was there, it was like the whole time they were imagining their dad being there when he really was never there. Their mother decided to tell them now. Their mother, proceeding to cry, could barely get the words out and said

“Your father died many years ago in this house.”
David and Gary were in shock saying “Then who did we see?” and “Why didn’t you tell us earlier?”

Their mother didn’t have a response and didn’t know what to say. David and Gary had no clue what to say anymore. They were in utter shock. Their mom finally revealed to them that the camera footage was a video from the internet.

David then asked out of curiosity “Who robbed us years ago then ?”

Their mother said “Your father, that’s the night he died.”