“Moooom! I’m home!” I threw my backpack down. “Mom?” I called again. She was taking off work today. “Anyone here?” I tripped over a string of lights on the ground. It was Christmastime, so the house was decked out. No sign of her. I grabbed my iPad and flopped on the couch. It boasted 23 unread messages. “Wonderful.” I muttered. I saw a missed message from Mom. Hey sweetie! Running to the store. Will be home at 5:00! Have a snack and do your homework! Love you! “So that’s where she is,” I thought and glanced at the clock. It was only 3:50. No homework for me! I grabbed a granola bar and went upstairs to work on Christmas cards for my friends. I closed the door behind me and flicked on all the lights, including the random middle switch, even though it never did anything. At least, I didn’t think it did anything.

I cleared my desk and found my pens and blank paper. I munched on the bar and managed to make six cards in an hour. I was working on the seventh when I heard another message ding. Mom. Almost home! “5:00 already?” I cleared my desk and walked over to the door, turning the knob to the left with my left hand.

What a mistake.

My hand was jerked from the doorknob and I was thrown to the ground. The room started spinning like crazy. My eyes were shut tight and I felt like I was gonna be sick. There wasn’t anything to cling to, so I clawed at the carpet. It felt I would spin forever. And then, it stopped. As suddenly as it had started, the room stilled. I was left sprawled on the ground, dazed. I closed my mouth, realizing that I was screaming the whole time. After some deep breaths, I managed to sit up. The room looked the same. Nothing had fallen and everything was in the same place as before, which was strange. I groaned and grasped the doorknob again, carefully pulling myself up. I opened the door…

…then shrieked and closed it. My head was spinning from what I’d just seen. “That is NOT the hallway.” Once I calmed myself, I opened the door again to a completely different scene.

The sky was murky green. Fireballs were falling from it. Giant creatures were roaring and roaming, and there were small furry creatures, (kinda cute ones) scattered around. “Aww,” I beckoned to one with my finger. It hissed and spat some yellowish acid that burned a hole right through the earth in front of me. I squeaked and fell backwards. It scuttled away. I slammed the door, scared that one of those nasty things would come in and burn my room down. “What next?” I thought. My mind kept drifting to toward the new world outside my door. “Well, a little exploring never hurt anyone.” I ignored all the books I’d read telling me the opposite. “Here we go!” I opened the door and curiosity propelled me forward. I took a few steps on the orangish ground, dodging small craters. I turned around taking it all in. Creatures were everywhere. Some small furry things and giant beasts that looked like T-Rexes. There were animals I can only describe as floating fish!

“Caw!” A giant winged creature landed beside me. It was all black, part feather, part fur and part something I can’t explain. I timidly reached out to pet it, hoping it wouldn’t lash out with razor-sharp claws or poisonous breath. But the beast didn’t object. It was soft as silk. It moved its wing downwards like it wanted me to hop on its back. “Oh no,” I started backing away, panicking. “No way!” It let out a shriek and I screamed too. “Okay, FINE!” Reluctantly, I stretched my leg over its back and hopped on. It wasn’t as hard to grip as I thought. I only had ridden a horse once, but it wasn’t so different. At least until the bird-creature stretched its wings and launched into the air. Too scared to scream, I clung to the bird’s neck, probably choking him. Soaring high above the ground, my fear melted into pure joy.

Assuming the creature wasn’t going any higher, I gathered enough confidence to sit up. My breath was taken away. From the ground, this place looked dangerous. From the sky, it was beautiful. The trees were bluish, matching the orangish ground perfectly. Rolling hills stretched in the distance and the horrifying monsters looked like they were just strolling around harmlessly from the air. While I was caught up in the landscape, the beast cawed and softly landed on the ground. I hopped off its back and reality set in. Mom wouldn’t know where I was! I patted the bird’s head thanks, then took off toward my bedroom door. I opened the door that, thankfully, still lead to my room, and shut it.

“Phew.” I prepared to open the door and see my worried mother standing there, but when I peered out, still the strange world remained. “Stay calm,” I said, closing and opening the door several more times.

How did I get here before? I remembered walking to the door and twisting the knob strangely. I stood up, took a deep breath and twisted it the same as before. Nothing. I twisted it the other way. Still nothing. I grabbed desperately with both hands. Nada. Heart in my throat, I sank to the ground, defeated. What am I missing? The switch. I leapt up, flicked on the middle switch and turned the knob. I was thrown to the floor like before and the room spun and spun. I didn’t scream like crazy this time since I wasn’t surprised, but still almost puked all over the floor when the room finally lurched to a stop. I heaved myself onto wobbly legs, took a deep breath. When I had (mostly) recovered, I whispered, “Moment of truth…” I opened the door.