One minute I was walking, the next I was walking out the front door. But this happened an hour ago. How is this possible? 10 seconds later, I was back, walking down the sidewalk. To my surprise, a necklace appeared on my neck. It had a gold chain, and a tiny clock on it. It was ticking. As I continued walking, I pondered what had happened back there. Did I time travel? No. When you time travel you can control it. That night, I took out my notebook and jotted down what had happened. Whatever it was, it only lasted 10 seconds. I couldn’t sleep that night. The next morning, my dad made pancakes, but burnt them as usual. I went for a bike ride, and suddenly a car came out of nowhere. It was speeding towards me, and the driver was on their phone. Just before we collided, time stopped. My clock necklace stopped ticking, and the car disappeared. I was on my bike, but in my driveway. It happened again. The car that almost ran me over zipped past. 10 seconds later, I was back in the same spot of the nearly inevitable collision. But there was no car. I biked home as fast as I could, and ran into my room and slammed the door. What was that just now? Can I rewind time? I decided to test it. I closed my eyes, and thought of traveling back to breakfast. Burnt pancakes. Syrup. Come on! Then, my necklace stopped ticking, and the smell of burnt pancakes filled my nose. I did it. I can rewind time. 10 seconds later, I was back in my room. I was panting. Why am I so tired? I didn’t even move. My eyelids dropped, and then black. I woke with a start. My clock on my bedside table read 2:56 pm. Was I really asleep for that long? I got up and walked out of my room. My mom was taking a nap on the couch, and my dadś car was gone, so I guess he might be at the store. My stomach growled. Guess I was hungry. After a quick snack, I went outside and decided I should practice with my newfound power. The goal: go back to when I was walking outside. I concentrated, and then I was back at the front door. I grinned. Success! Then I wondered. How did I get this power? I went back inside and to my room, and opened up my laptop. I searched for Time rewinding power. The results popped up. Ads, books, and other things. Then I noticed the last result. Rare time rewinding power: Genetic mutation. I clicked, and there was one sentence. A child is born with this power when genes get switched and connected with a white blood cell. I looked a little more, with no success. Huh. A genetic mutation. That night, I made dinner and watched a movie. I went to bed early, and fell asleep instantly. I was floating. Not in air or in water. It was black. Then I was falling. My alarm rang. I punched it, and got up and stretched. The clock read 5:00 am. It was early. Too early. I decided since I was already awake, I shouldn’t go back to sleep. I walked over to my bedroom door, and thought about my pillow and my bed. My necklace stopped ticking, and then I was on my bed. I walked over to the door again, and then 10 seconds later, I was back. I heard a crash. I ran into the kitchen, and saw the roof caved in. The house was falling apart. I ran outside, and saw a person. A boy, maybe around 10. He looked scared, and behind him was chaos. Everything he touched caved in or blew up. Then he disappeared. The sun was starting to rise, and in the cold air, there was smoke. I rewound to 4:30 am. I woke, ran outside, and saw the boy taking the trash out. I ran. I took the trash from him, and he stared. I waved, and he ran back into his house. Then I was back in my room. 5:30 am. No caveding roof. I gave a sigh of relief. Then there was a knock on the door. I opened it, and there was a package. I grabbed it, opened it, and inside was a bottle filled with blue water. I took it out and examined it. What the heck? I opened the bottle and sniffed it. It exploded. I barfed. I rewinded back to before I opened the bottle. I ran to the freezer, and put it in there, right before time was up. That was close. It started to rain, and as I was practicing my rewind power, I wanted to try something. Could I rewind inside of a rewind? I decided to find out. I went back five minutes, and then thought, go to bottle. Bottle! I did it! I did a rewind inside of a rewind! But, the question is, If I keep doing this for the rest of my life, would I live forever, or at least longer than anybody else? I could be immortal. I could live forever! BOOM! The lights flickered, and then went off. Drat. Power outage. It was now around 7:00 am, and I was starting to wonder where my dad was. I knew my mom was at work, but where was my dad? There was a knock on the front door. The door opened. An old lady walked in, and sat down on the couch. “Hello dearie! Or maybe I should call you the rewind master?” I stared. How did she know about my power? “And to answer your question, yes you can be immortal. It’s very challenging, but I accomplished it, so you should be able to also.” So how do you know that your own grandmother is not me, a rewind? You do not know, dearie! Bye!