Stick Boy and Dino’s Adventure
The day his life changed. Milo is an extraordinarily talented boy– well, in art. All he did was draw. School was the thing he hated, people whispered about him. Nobody liked a guy who was a loner. Bullies made fun of him, teachers would be bothering him left and right. But the only person who understood him was– Stephen. His best bud.
But, good things never stay.
Stick Boy would start to walk down the path of a trail, frowning. Slumping, as he walked. He met a medium-sized dino. Its green, sparkly scales shimmered in the sunlight and a smile that would cheer anyone up. “Ello!! Are you a new traveler? Aren’t ya?” The dino spoke, as Stick Boy was startled.
“What the??” he said.
“Well?? Answer my question, twig man!” God was the stick a pushover. He frowned.
“I guess so…” Stick Boy replied, hands by his side. Then, the dino would giggle.
“Well? What are you waiting for? C’mon, twig!” The dino skipped, quick on its feet. Stick Boy followed, surprised at the speed of the dino.
“Wait up!” Stick Boy ran after the dino, and they arrived at a village filled with small ducks and well-dressed people. They were fit for a village, a cute kind of lifestyle. “This, this is the village of wonders! Surely a traveler like you would love this place!” the dino spoke. Stick blinked. Dino was right…this place was beautiful. Families of all kinds, small and tall. Then, Stick noticed a mom and a dad taking care of their newborn baby. Innocent and small. He frowned. Dino would then drag him along to a tavern with food of all sorts. “You must be hungry! Here!” Dino would take a plate of pizza, placing it in front of Stick; Stick would take a bite. God, was it the best pizza he had EVER tasted! The satisfying sensation of cheese, the crisp taste of crust, the smell…Oh, the smell of the freshly baked dough from the oven. Stick would immediately finish the pizza, as Dino chuckled.
“Wow! That was amazing!” Stick would grin, chuckling.
“We should go on an adventure! I have the perfect place to start! To the jungle of imagination!” Dino dragged him along, grinning.
Soon enough, the two would arrive at the one and only– Jungle of Imagination. All sorts of ideas, stars, and zoo animals. Trees of all colors and sizes. And the best yet, a rainbow waterfall. A smile appeared on Stick’s face. “This place is amazing, Dino!”
“Mhm! You haven’t even seen the monkeys yet-” Dino was interrupted by a loud stomp. The ground shook; Stick gasped. Looking up at the sight of a tall, large, rainbow swamp monster. The swamp monster snarled at the two, as it seemed terrifying. Stick backed up along with Dino.
“Who goes there?” A deep voice echoed into their minds.
“Heya Rexo! Sorry to disturb your slumber.” Dino laughed nervously. Stick looked confused.
“Rexo?- That’s its name?”
“It? I am no it. I am a mystical being of knowledge and worth.” The large monster glared.
“My bad…swamp being.” Stick muttered. Dino interrupted the silence.
“So! What do you have for your words of knowledge this time Rexo? Anything interesting?” Dino smiled.
“One or two things to keep in mind. Those who may seem close, eventually do not stay. Time is a part that needs to be embraced. Second: Although you may have the love of a companion, one’s love may fade away, if not taken for granted.”
“…Oh. Well, whatever. Thanks for the poetry!” Dino smiled, waving the words off. Stick shrugged. The monster gave a solid glare.
“Fine enough, go. I need rest, and you two are such children.” The monster sunk back into the waterfall, slowly. Stick would walk with Dino, exploring the forest. They would spend the whole day together and become close friends. They got to know each other that day, understanding what their past was and relating to many things like most friends do. At the end of the day, they lay near the cliff, on the soft grass. They smiled, staring at the stars.
“You know, you aren’t such a pushover Twig.” Dino teased him.
“Hey! That’s not nice. Well, you’re not such an animal as I thought.” Stick teased back, laughing. They both laughed until they were disturbed by a figure from behind.
“Dino. Dino!” A strong, loud voice shouted. Dino sprung up, his eyes widening.
“What? Who’s that?” Stick muttered to Dino.
“My dad. I wonder what he needs..?” Dino whispered back. “I’ll be right back, okay?” Dino smiled, talking to his dad. Stick got up, sneaking behind a bush to listen. It all started as a normal conversation..until the word “leave” came up. They began to fight, and Dino started to cry. His dad was forcing him to move to a new city, far from the regular village. Soon enough, his dad left to pack. Stick rushed back to the soft grass where they’d been laying. Dino walked back. “Twig…I’m sorry.” Stick was still in pain from the words he had just heard.
“I’m not staying. I have to move from here. Away from the village. I’m sorry.” Dino frowned.
“You can’t leave. You haven’t even shown me everything yet!” Stick spoke up. Dino hugged Stick. “I will one day, I promise.”
“Swear on it.” Stick replied.
“I swear..”
A gasp of air. Milo sat up in his chair, panting. A frown appeared on his face as he looked down at his notebook, along with drool. His best friend moved to the city. And his parents weren’t even there to comfort his loss. He cried, burying his face in his arms until he heard A knock at the door. A figure walked in, wrapping her arms around him. It was his grandma, the only person who stayed for Milo, comforting him. “There, there…Everything will be okay Milo.” Milo sobbed, wallowing in his sorrowful tears.
“Good things never stay.”