Grace Cabe
The Boy Who Saved Zadeon

Once lived a world named Zadeon. Zadeon was a magical place. There are floating buildings and even flying jetpacks. The leader, Mr. Dooflebig, is the heart of the planet. He runs Buildings, stores, and transportation. He’s very important.

Everyone here is so perfect, and my parents couldn’t wait to have another perfect child for their perfect family. Then they looked at me. My names Joe, a blonde hair, long nosed, tall freak. At least that’s what everyone calls me. I feel like in Zadeon everyone tells you who you’re supposed to be that you can’t ever really be yourself. I have two siblings, one beautiful sleek hair, perfect sister, Sophia. And 1 handsome, muscular brother, James. They don’t like me. I try to talk to them at school, home, anywhere, but I just get ignored by them and looked at by everyone else.

I know my parents don’t like me. You can’t give your children away in Zadeon but trust me, if they could, they would. My dad messes with me all the time. He says things like “Hey skinny boy” or “Sup tall loser.” I would feel hurt by it if I was a normal person on Zadeon. I get made fun of everyday by the same and sometimes new people that I’m used to it by now. While I’m being bullied every day, I kind of like me. Yeh I’m not like everyone else, but I think I’m perfectly fine as me. Today’s the first day of high school. New school, new bullies. Can’t wait!

I walk to my closet and put on the only clothes I have. I grabbed my bag and started to head out. My family ignores me the whole way out of the house like always. As I’m walking, I see everyone with their new phones. My parents don’t let me have one, but man do I want one.

I look over my shoulder and see a girl on her phone. She’s checking her emails. Probably checking for Tovo. It’s the one law in Zadeon written in the “Zadeon all you need to know book” that “You must not open or view any message that Tovo sends you.” Tovo is this far away planet known for tricking planets. They send messages and when anyone opens it, they can track their location in under 1 minute. They come to your planet and start a war. Unfortunately, they have over 800,000 soldiers and because it’s so unexpected, everyone ends up losing to Tovo. The reason they do this is because they’re the smallest planet in existence.

I started to see my new school. I walk in with eyes all over me. I run to the bathroom until the bell rings so I’m not with people. It rings Phew. As I’m walking out the stall I slip and fall. I start to get up and look to see what I fell on. A phone? Blue case, shiny camera, it was a phone! I opened it, not signed in, like it was brand new. Should I ask everyone if it was their phone or keep it for myself? Yeh, I think I’ll keep it; they lost it not me. I hear footsteps in the bathroom. My heart starts pounding. Is it the guy who lost it? Oh no-
“Sir why aren’t you in class?” The teacher asked.
“Oh my gosh yeh I’m so sorry.” I speak.

I was so excited about the phone I forgot about class. I ran out of the school and sat on the step. I started to sign in and make new accounts for everything. I immediately started looking through the phone. No messages, no notifications, and 10,000 emails! Yeh ill look through that. There were a bunch of random users like “gorrila123” or James45454” wait “James45454” I think is my brother. What did he say? Maybe he finally wants to talk to me? I open the email and it read.

“Thank your fellow citizen, Joseph Gullen on Zadeon. We now have found you! See you soon!” No what have I done? I rushed home and decided to take a breather. Soon or later, they came. It was on the news and everything. Things were fired to every house, and I knew soon or later they would get mine. My family rushes into my room to see me with a phone.
“It was you!” my dad yells.
“Oh my god you’re trying to kill us!” James yells
“No guys-” I tried to say but was interrupted by my mom.
“Save it you’re out of here. I don’t want to spend my last moments with you!” my mom says as she shoves me out the door.

Then I see it. A massive ship the size of the planet. I ran past every fire, fired at me. Then I see the leader. He’s on a jetpack crying. “I’m too pretty to die” he cries. I couldn’t watch him die because of me. I ran over and grabbed the jetpack. It’s hard to pull down because he’s bigger. I pulled him down then I had an idea. The heart of the ship is the eye, it controls the whole thing. I grabbed jetpacks and started launching them towards the eye. Eventually I got it. It blew up and we’re all here, on this destroyed planet. I look and see families crying and raging. I sit and hear Mr. Dooflebig scream.

“This guy just saved not only mine but your lives too!” he says. “He made that ship blow up with the solders in it.” Everyone starts clapping. For years I was brought down, pushed around, and made fun of. But that day I saved a bunch of people’s lives. A month later I went back to school. Everyone calling my name, high fiving me, and teachers love me. I decided to move out of my old home, but they say they still miss me. And ever since I’ve been known as