One day a man named Jam snuck into a house with a goal to poison a grandma who scammed him out of 300 dollars. He went to a donut shop and bought a delicious glazed donut. Then he went to a secret rat lair. He bought a huge amount of rat poison. Then he went on a 10-hour drive to Ohio and went to grandma’s house to execute his play. When he got there he was walking around the house checking under every rock looking for the key but couldn’t find it. He didn’t know where to check, but when he looked in the easiest spot there it was there under the doormat.

Jam went to unlock the door, but he second-guessed himself if he really wanted to poison her. He stood there for a few minutes before he put the key in the lock. He snuck in then put the poison on the donut and left it there so when the grandma wakes up she will want to eat the donut. But instead of the grandma walking up”,” her little grandson Jimmy woke up. He saw the donut and knew he had to eat it. He took a bite and fell right to the floor. The grandma woke up and heard a loud bang. It was her grandson Jimmy falling and passing out. She had to call the ambulance. She was waiting very patiently and was very scared. The ambulance came and rushed him to the hospital.
When they got to the hospital, they saw he needed very expensive surgery. If he didn’t get the surgery he could die. He only has one week left to live if he doesn’t. But the grandma whispered, “How much does it cost?”
The nurse replied, “One million dollars”.The grandma can’t afford that. She is pulling all the money out of her savings, but she is still so much money short. She is stressed because she thinks her grandson may not live. She started to cry in the hospital room, and then her grandson asked “Will I be ok Grandma?”.
The grandma started to cry more and mumbled, “I hope, sweetheart”.
Then the grandma had an idea. She thought if she found who snuck into her house and left the donut on the table she could sue him for the money for the surgery. So she went looking for him. Luckily, she set up security cameras on the front porch. So she went on her phone and tried to see who put it there. She brought the video to the police station. The police looked at the video for hours while Jimmy was at the hospital with Kim, the grandma’s daughter.While they were looking at the film she spotted a car that had a license plate.They looked up the numbers it was a white Lambo.They found it on the road a day later.They tried to pull it over but couldn’t.He wouldn’t stop.So, on top of maybe being sued, he is getting a ticket too.They finally rammed him into the side of the road and arrested him.
They brought him to the courtroom.They were in the courtroom for hours before the grandma finally showed the only information they needed.She showed the video, and it was clearly him and they sentenced him to give the family 2 million dollars and a lifetime in jail.She was so excited, so she went to the hospital and told them the good news.Jimmy can get the life-saving surgery he needs.He is so happy to be able to get the surgery.When Jam was arrested after the surgery, the family went to the jail to visit him.He was not happy he tried to convince them to give him the 300 dollars the grandma owed him, but she barked no and left.They went to the mall to buy the little buy some presents with the extra money the got from the man.When they were at the mall, they ran into one of the nurses that helped Jimmy get better.They offered her to buy something, so the hung out for a while.But then suddenly Jimmy wanted to go home.But when they got home the smell from the donut was really bad.It had rotted from how long they hadn’t been home.They had to call the exterminator.They explained it could take days to get the smell out, so they would have to go to a hotel.
The only hotel that had room was the one right next to the jail Jam was in.So when Jam heard the family was next door in he knew he needed some revenge.So all night he was screaming at the hotel all night.They got so annoyed they went to the office that called the jail and put Jam in solitary confinement.When it was morning the family got a call from the exterminator saying they could go home.When they got home, they found Jam’s phone on the ground.When they went to return it, Jam was so mad.He was cursing at them and everything.When they were told he couldn’t take it they bragged to him.Then they left and they got to keep the phone.After they left life was great everyone was great and they even went to Disneyland.When they went there, they were encountered by one of James’ friends, Mike.Mike asked what happened because the story is all over the internet.They talk for a while and then it was time to go home.After a long plane ride home.The family found out the great news.Jam was moved to a jail in Mexico in one of the most dangerous jails in the world.He may even be killed in there.Now that he is jail the family and Jimmy are safe and happy.That was a close call, but now they are all safe and healthy.They police station called the family and told them they pick how long he goes to jail and the family said forever.The police station was ok with that and told Jam.Jam cried for hours knowing he will be there his whole entire life.