Zap the Husky opened his eyes to a fence in his face. He saw big letters curving from up to down in front of a building too. “Where am I?” he asked. He walked around on his four legs. Suddenly creatures came into the opening. They had two legs, two arms, a head, two eyes, a nose and a mouth that talked way too much. These creatures went up to him and picked him up. He yelled at them “Put me down!” “Woof Woof to you too” said the strange creatures. They placed him in a small cage inside the building with the survey loopy letters. He was left alone in the strange place.

Then Zap felt something drawing him. He jumped, and rammed his head into the cage which broke. Surprised by his own strength he paused and then ran as fast as he could. A metal beast stopped in front of him. He ran to a safe-looking white building. He was captured by yet another strange beast who was wearing a strange white coat and glasses. What were they doing to him?

They placed him in a machine. Suddenly two green beams shot out of the machine and hit Zap “AHHHHHHHH” he screamed. He was being attacked. He suddenly summoned his strength and shot two lasers out of his eyes and obliterated the machine. He shot out of the white building at an astonishing speed to even the fastest creatures on the strange land he was in and ran right into the woods. Then he felt a cold, fuzzy, paw on his back and blacked out.

Zap opened his eyes to see his memory come back to him. He saw a small dog running from the strange creatures with white lab coats. That’s me he thought. The creatures went up to him with a futuristic looking gun and blasted him. Suddenly the young Zap couldn’t remember anything and he fell into a coma. How long? For he did not know but he did know that his memories were erased and he was transported to a dog shelter. Then his memories of his childhood flashed by. Him playing with a squeaky ball. Him playing with his friends. Then he suddenly feels a wave of sadness. His mother putting him in a small box telling him to hide; her going to fight the strange beings with the futuristic guns and lab coats and then, he sees her getting vaporized. Suddenly he woke up to a sudden jolt. He saw an old Husky. “Zap? Is that you?” The Husky asked. “Who are you?” Zap growled. The Husky sighed. “Still as vicious as ever I see, I am your cousin.“

“Seriously? You’re my cousin? Then why are you so old?” Asked Zap. “Well yes I am your cousin, Fido. I am old because when you got hit with the gun by the monsters in white lab coats, you forgot your memory but your DNA powers awakened and they full activated when you were blasted by a strange machine. I have been watching you. You are a superdog, you do not age anymore. ”Ok?” said Zap. It’s a lot to process. I know but you have to believe me.” I was there when you were born and I know why you’re so young. You are so young because you have been asleep for 8 years.

“WHAT?! THAT’S NOT POSSIBLE!” I am telling the truth, Zap. This is why I am so much older than you.” I too possess some superdog DNA but not nearly as much as you have. Now go pull that tree out of the ground.” Ordered Fido. “Are you crazy? How am I supposed to pull a tree out of the ground?” Zap asked. He yanked the tree, and it came out of the ground. “Whoa” said Zap. “I told you, you possess Superdog DNA. Focus all your coldest breath on those leaves.” Ordered Fido once again. Zap did what Fido told him to do and he breathed ice out onto the leaves. The next few hours were him discovering his superspeed and his laser eyes but once he was done, he decided he was going to use this power and destroy the company with the white coats.”… after of course a nap! I have been awake all day!” “You have also been asleep for eight years,” pointed out Fido before Zap went to sleep. Fido told him the night before how he knew that the founder knew that super powered dogs were real. He was going to pay. Not just because they erased his memory, They were called the Animal Vaporizers Corporation, and they were the ones who killed Zap’s Mother. The founder may have found and activated Zap’s powers, but he did it to make Zap his superpet and not for the good of animals.

The next morning he awoke in a determination to set things right. He was going to set justice for all the animals the corporation hurt and his mother. He stormed up into the building and froze some two guards. He sped up the stairs and tried to make it to the top floor. When he made it to the top floor, he saw the founder. He was the person who invented the gun that vaporized animals. The only reason why Zap wasn’t vaporized was because of his DNA that ran in his family. He found the founder in his office and decided to catch him off guard. He snuck around but when he was about to use his laser eyes, the founder spun around, shot at him, and missed by about two feet. “My what a miserable shot you are”, said Zap in dog language. Then it was all over. He knocked the founder out and the founder was arrested, at least after Zap showed the police The founders’ plan was to vaporize all dangerous animals for money. A week later, the Animal Vaporizer corporation was shut down, and Zap saved countless animals. End